Some Things Should Be Obvious

Some Things Should Be Obvious

Some Things Should Be Obvious - Sun, 4 Nov, 2018

First time doing one of those "draw your fursona in this shirt" memes that popped up over the past month. Usually I don't (did you see that pink hoodie that was making the rounds?) because by the time I'd finish it, the attention they get would be long gone and I'd just look slow.

When it turned into this meme, I figured the statement was so obvious that I didn't need to repeat it in this community. Like, it should be pretty obvious…

Yeah, some people felt the need to "correct" the shirt and everyone wearing it. So I figured this could serve as a good reminder for my fellow cis furries.

Because when you try to correct messages like "trans people deserve equal rights" or "black lives matter", you really sound like you're telling us they don't. At least, not to you.

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