Most recent work: It's Lycanroc time already? by Arador

It's Lycanroc time already? by Arador


Welcome to my official website. I am Richard K Niner, an anthropomorphic dog from the Toronto area, and a web developer. Specifically, I'm a Nova Scotia duck-tolling retriever (or toller, if you prefer). A full description of my appearance can be found in the Reference section.

I am currently a relatively unknown furry artist; a selection of my more recent work can be found below; a more complete collection is available as part of my Gallery section. In addition, I also offer commissions at competitive rates; see the Commissions section for more information.

Thanks for visiting.

Recent work

Coaster Ride!Wish You Were Here!It's Been... by BlurTheFurPaw Bed by BlurTheFurVacation ModeRudolph Syndrome*ahem* It's Pronounced Are-Kay-NinerPlush RK by BlurTheFurPlanet Pooltoy by BlurTheFurA Pooltoy that Hates Water? by BlurTheFurWarning: Contents May Cause MayhemWhat was in that water? By ActionMartini

Contact Richard K Niner

I can be found in many of the places listed in the Links section, as well as though the following contact mechanisms: